Wednesday 26 September 2012

Stars of David and a 5 Pointed Star is Different

Did you know that?

Okay lets take a little test.  Do you think picture A or picture B is the Star of the Satan?

Choose!  A or B!
Answer is:  Picture B!!

I am not kidding!  Most of the time, people mistaken the star in Picture A as the sign of Satan but it is the 5 pointed one, which is most commonly drawn by children (taught by adults) is the star of Satan.

To prove my point, there is this person on the Internet who 'carved' the Star of Satan onto his skin.

This picture was originally posted by with the exact comment below:

"This is how you epically fail at putting a satanic star on to your arm! LOL as you guys can obviously see this is the star of David, so “WOW” is all I can say."

So, next time before you decide to ink yourself or do anything permanent to yourself, think twice and research.  Just effing Google it for information that you want.  Don't be this guy.  It's humiliating

See you next round <3.


  1. hahaha good one... so now i should think twice before drawing a star

  2. But the star in the picture its a 6-pointed star...

  3. LMAO, what a freaking idiot. It baffles me how stupid some people really are.
