Sunday 2 December 2012

So, the Blistering has Begun!

After the trip to the Dentist yesterday to get my lower jaw braces fixed, the blistering war inside my mouth has begun!  Orz.

The first impact is at the sides of my mouth.  As of now, it is estimated that there are two holes. One round hole and the other feels like a long gash. Right side, two holes as well.  Both round.

That's just the initial damage.  The worst is actually the continuing aching pain on both upper and lower jaw.  Upper because my braces was tighten and lower is because well, it's its first time.  It gotta hurt >D

It's not superbly painful or anything of that sort.  It's just constant aching pain that refuse to go away and its at nearly every tooth.

My upper and lower back teeth on the left side can't reach each other so I can't chew whereas the right side, the upper and lower back teeth has been grinding against each other so it kinda ache when i close my mouth.

Hopefully the teeth alignment won't take very long.  This morning, my breakfast was milk and banana (which is a recipe for tummy disaster.  Lesson well learnt) and can you imagine I have slight difficulty 'biting' into a banana?

After that when I tried to eat bread, I merely threw the whole bread into a glass of milk to have it soaked till it's soft and nearly liquified state only then I started eating (swallowing it) BUT, all this shall be worth it after I have my braces taken off!

Note to self:  Ask Dentist how long will that take.

Yesterday when I went to the Dentist, after I lay down on the patient chair, she asked me if I wanted  a towel or tissue.  I was like O.O  and the conversation took place:

Me:             'What for?'
Dentist:       'For you to wipe your tears!'
Me:             'It's going to hurt?'  /panic 'Why why why?  How? Why will it hurt?  Will it be terrible?                                        
                  Can I get my lower braces fix another day?'
Dentist:       'Shush!  Don't be so manja!  Open your mouth'
Me:             'T________T Nooooo, okay. Tissue T_T'

(Dentist assistant came over and handed me a tissue roll)


Sounds super dramatic right?  You know what happened in the end?

I fell asleep.

HAHAHA, talk about scaring your patient, way to go Doc!  >.>  My Dentist is super sadistically awesome <.>  She loves to play pranks on me and I am such a sucker for believing her QQ

She can some more tell me 'Wah you fell asleep and snored so loud!  Why so unlady like one!'

I was like 'I didn't snore!  I was just half asleep, I know I didn't snore!!'

Lol, and THEN, she casually look at me and say 'By the way, I gave you Christmas theme this time'

Then she gave me a mirror.

And this is how it looks like.  GREEN AND RED AND ONE SPECIAL MICKEY MOUSE ONE! LOL, okay it's superbly cute.  I am not gonna complain >D

Muah Dentist is awesome <3

But that does not stop the blistering and the liquid food for few days QQ  I don't even feel like talking or moving my mouth at all.  Orz.

Oh I got my hair cut too :D  And I wonder if I shouldn't have done that <3  Makes me look older and I thought having shorter hair makes you feel younger.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. What, you actually slept through the process? WTF.
    I gotta say it looks awesome though, nice christmas theme ;D

    At least you got an awesome dentist; what about painkiller or anything though?

    You still look just as nice with "shorter" hair :D

    1. Lol cause I slept late the previous night :D

      Yeah my dentist is awesome.

      I prefer my longer hair though. Preferably straight =P Ahh so hard to satisfy what a human wants. It changes by the hour <.>

  2. This is really looking awesome and it seems fabulous on this picture.
