Tuesday 2 April 2013

100th Followers! Time to Celebrate!

Yes I am a very direct person so as the title implicates, YAY TO HUNDREDTH FOLLOWER on BOTH Google Friend Connect (though it's going away soon) and also Facebook!! To be very honest, though I've always wished to have that many readers one day, I've never dreamt that this day would come and it came so fast that I felt like I've been hit by a bullet train.  That's how happy I am!

When I first started out (there goes the grandmother story), I always content myself that as long as there's just ONE reader out there reading my blog, I will continue writing and what do I know, 9 months later and on April's Fool day, I have one hundred times the amount of what I initially wished for.  100 may be like a quarter or one tenth of the readers you have but with this dream in mind, I will get there one fine day and be one of the stars shining among all of you <3  We all gotta start from zero (literally) but there's no stopping once this engine starts running!

I just want to thank each and every one of you who has read my tl;dr (too long; didn't read / to long to read) posts, nonsensical posts and yet still stayed, liked (or laughed) at my stuff and at last, comments on them.  Your comments keeps me going to know that you have taken your precious time off just to read on my humble (distorted) thoughts and it matters not whether you agree or disagree with me because we will always agree to disagree >D

To my very 100th Facebook like, thank YOU Chanel Chua for liking my page and making this day so memorable to me.

To my very 100th GFC reader, thank YOU Holly-Bella Casell for keeping me going on <3

To those of you who comes in between, thank YOU ALL SO MUCH because without you guys, I will never get my 100th reader!

To celebrate this special day, I am going to share 2 funny facts with all of you just so that everyone can have a laugh and share my happiness with me!

First Funny Fact

My ideal colour of a car would be either white or black because I think a car looks most elegant in this two colousr (except for VW Beetle in Yellow) but little did we know that the older Chinese generation  actually DISAPPROVES of this two colours for cars!  The big WHY?!

My aunt just dropped the bomb on me this evening lol!  According to superstition, white car signifies the ambulance whereas the black car signifies the undertaker's car (touchwood!) which is why older Chinese people will NEVER buy a black or white car!

Second Funny Fact

We used to think humans are funny and that they are aliens because we have hair growing at very weird places like eyebrows in the upper part of your head, armpits, chest hair and not just hair all over our body.

Do you know how hilarious it is for a human to not have eye brows?  Ever thought of it?

You will go from this

To this.

I am giving you nightmares, aren't I?

Okay BAD Photoshop skill but you get the gist >D  SO, be thankful of your brows! Don't over pluck them all off or you might just look like the person above, which is NOT comfortable to look at! <3

Be happy for who you are and what you have, don't change yourself too much just to follow the trend because if it is the no eyebrows trend now, I will... I would.. IT'S NEVER HAPPENING ALRIGHT!

Again, thank you guys so much for making this day happen for me.  It's been a great achievement and together we shall achieve even more!

And like I said, since GFC is going away, BlogLovin is replacing instead so give my BlogLovin some love so that I am able to share my love with you guys as well! <3

Tagline of the day:  Your face looks like McDonald.  Because I'm Lovin it.  <3  (original source:  a post from 9gag)


Picture courtesy of my German friend who celebrates Easter! 


  1. congrats on getting 100readers! :D

  2. Congrats on the 100 likes/friends! Keep up the good work okay?

    Epic brow-less picture btw. I rather not see it every day though!

  3. My congrats!By the way… Do u like dresses? Would u like to take part in Love giveaway and win a dress u like! Don’t hesitate! Be quickly! : ))))))
    Hope to see u here http://mooreann.blogspot.com/

  4. Congratulations with the 100+
    followers c: I like having
    hair on my eyebrows! But I
    don't like having hair on my
    legs :c


  5. 100 followers on April fool , it's time to double celebration!! I am so happy that I found your blog , you are so funny and lovely. Haha I prefer eye brows. Already attached to bloglovin :)

  6. Haha the eyebrow pics that made me laugh, lol made my day xD I actually have a post about eyebrows that relates to what you're saying.

    Congrats on 100 followers & many more ! :)


  7. Congrats on 100 followers! I think 100 is a great number and you deserve EVEN MORE!!! P.s. eyebrows are in right now - we would not be "fashion" without our eye-mustaches!

    ♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

  8. HAHAHAHAH the eyebrow picture cracked me up XD

  9. LOL! The eyebrows photo made me laugh out loud! You're WELL funny ;)

    Congrats on the followers you lovely lady!


  10. It looksfunny. I love it. Your blog made me smile on my face :))
    I followed you on GFC and hope you will like my blog and follow me back. It would be nice to keep in touch.

  11. CONGRATS!! :> cheers to many more readers :>!!
    following you now back:)

  12. thank you Dear for a such lovely comment <3 followed back on GFC and Bloglovin <3

  13. congratulations Dear ;)

  14. Congratulations. i AM THE no.109 follower.
    Love you. Xoxo.


  15. Followed back on both, but sorry I don't have facebook.
    Have a great week

  16. awwwww congrats on EVERYTHING sweetie! You really deserve it :) full steam ahead, right? Bring on the big 1000!!!! Thanks so much for the shout out, that's so lovely of you! Your comment on my blog was adorable, I'm so happy your Godbrother liked my nails, haha! If I can make kids happy by painting my nails then I'm definitely on the right track :D love it!

    In an unrelated point, that pic of you with no eyebrows made me burst out laughing. And I'm in a cafe. People are staring. I probably look crazy. But I don't care, you just look so FUNNY!!!!!! XOXOXOXOX


  17. woohoo...a big achievement...move on, continue to write more!! yeah~

  18. Congrats on hitting the 100 followers mark!!! :) I love the edited pic of you without eyebrows!!! Brilliant! I really like your blog!!! :) I hope you will check mine out too if you get a chance! :)


  19. love ur blog!!
    wanna follow each other?

  20. Congrats on the 100 followers! and thanks for helping me get there too :) Have a great day!!


  21. congrats on the 100th followers! you have an adorable blog!! ;) and yaa don't shave off your eyebrows hahahaha

  22. congrats

  23. cngrats :D glad I could help. mwah

  24. Congrats girl. Keep it up the hard work:-)

    Ewelina & Eva

  25. Congrats, cutie! Now we both have to work hard to break the 1000-border lol.
    This one picture without your eyebrows is really giving me nightmares! Soo scary, fortunately, people do have eyebrows (except of those who pick them artificially away, grrr!)

    Lots of love, Maho

  26. congrats hun!

    xx fameliquorlove.blogspot.com

  27. Hey sweetheart! Thank you so much! I followed you via GFC, BLoglovin and added you on G+ instead of facebook. Im sorry, right now im having some issues with facebook, for some reason its not letting me like other pages..

  28. I m new follower. I love your blog.
    Follow us?
    Chocolate Rose Style

  29. Interested in following each other via GFC??

  30. oh no!!!!! without eyebrows noooooooo;-)

    Congrats dear *_*


  31. Greetings love! Yes that's our traditional dress, colorful and beautiful isnt it? Tehe! And ofcourse, I'm definitely going to put one and will let you know. Baby sumo sounds real funny yet cute! And congrats on your 100 followers sweets! There are still more to come (: Thumbs up for your 1st funny picture though :P Amazing post! Thanks for stopping by and I heartly appreciate it! Love love! Stop by me soon again! xx

    With love ❤

  32. Congrats on you 100th follower! Your blog is doing so well! I love all the post you write!!
    haha, eyebrows really do make a person don't they? You look completely different without yours! Whenever I go out, I make it a point to always do my eyebrows. I wear glasses and darker eyebrows do make a big difference on me!


  33. Congratulations, love!
    and that eyebrow photo... LOVE IT.
    xx http://andgeesaid.blogspot.com.au/

  34. congrats dear! ^^
    what about follow each other?
    let me know :)
    have a nice day!

    and don't forget to
    Join the GIVEAWAY on my blog!
    You can Win 30$ to spend on Chicnova.com!


  35. Aw you are so cute! Congrats on the 100 followers..definitely a well deserved accomplished! Have a great day :) xo

  36. I have already followed you on bloglovin.

  37. Congrats mish!!!!!!!! I cant wait till I get to 100 followers hahaha, I love those pics there so funny haha the expressions are priceless!!


    have another give-away!!

  38. thiihi thanks for your comment! i totally agree with you.:> it's always a bit hard to find mr right lipstick ;>!

  39. first of all, congratulation for 100 followers!! :)

    and yes, im now blogging from work, because my manager is out of office and i've already finished all the tasks which have been given to me, so now im only sitting up my time until monday xDD good for me, so ive finally have some times to catch up with commenting and blogging.

    anyways, thank u for commenting so fast!!! :)) xxx

  40. I love having eyebrows! But in some countries fashion dictates that women have to pluck them. I won't say the names of the countries, because I have friends from there... and yes, friends who plucked them so much - because it was good when they lived there before - and now they live in Europe and have noooo eyebrows at all - but still, they find it good this way. One was reading a fashion magazine and pointing out that the models had so much brows. I said, no, just as normal as any person. It's a cultural difference for her.
    So good to know about the white and black cars! Your blog definitely teaches so many things! So, congratulations for 100th likes! By the way, yours was such a great comment and it opened my eyes: yes, I don't need" renting a child" because I am the one :) So sweet, I loved it!

  41. Very cute blog post. I had no idea about that superstition. That's crazy. I am following you from http://www.kittenreviewsmakeup.blogspot.com

  42. congrats sweetie!! then you have one more me!!
    thanks for your lovely comment!!

  43. awwww thanks so much for your comment girl! I really appreciate it :) I think i'm gonna stay strong and go through it this time, even if I do get ripped to shreds, hahahahaha I've just gotta let it happen you know? Life is real weird sometimes, man, you never know what's right around the corner. That's the beauty of it too, I suppose? Gotta stay strong. Tomorrow when I wake up (and every day after that) I'm gonna say to myself 'Hol, you are a badass bitch from hell and no one is gonna mess with you' and then I'm not gonna let anyone mess with me!!!!! LOL

    As I was scrolling down the page to leave a comment, I passed that pic of you with no eyebrows and started laughing again. I'm in the same cafe, people must think I'm a basket-case LOL xoxoxoxoxo


  44. thanks for follow me dear!
    follow you back now :)

  45. Congratulations :)

    I'm following you now, I hope you will follow me back:)

  46. congrats 100 followers!!!! :)

    I'd like to follow each other! I follow you now, hope we keep in touch!


  47. great post and congratulations the first 100 followers is such an important mark!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  48. Congrats ^^

    恵美より ♥

  49. Congratulations! :) I think you deserve it as you put a lot of time and effort into blogging and commenting on peoples' posts! :)

  50. Congrats on 100!!! Very fun and the eyebrows are hilarious!

  51. Aww! Congrats girl for getting to 100 :) you deserve it!

    Xx Karen

  52. Hello dear :) Lol the pic without the eyebrows is kinda funny :D That is actualy my look when I didn t draw my eyebrows :D I am now following you via GFC and bloglovin, hope you can follow me back.
    Have a nice day :o)

    xLOVEx http://veronicadelarge.blogspot.sk/

  53. Woohoo! Congrats on an awesome milestone! Obviously you ARE the better blogger!! :)
