Saturday 23 March 2013

All Our Little Quirks

What's "QUIRK"?

quirks  3rd person singular present, plural of quirk (Noun)

  1. A peculiar behavioral habit: "his annoying quirks".
  2. A strange chance occurrence: "a strange quirk of fate".

That is what quirk is.  In simple words, it is not just a habit. It is a weird habit that one have.

I was just thinking about it this morning and within 15 minutes, I could name a number of quirks that I have.  I was surprised to be honest, to realize that I actually have quirks.  To think I was normal.  Pft.

Okay, yours truly is very bad at drawing on anything other than MS Paint but I tried >D  Thanks Godbro for lending me your tablet! <3

First of all, I dislike socks.

Yes, socks.

For all of you who comes from a 4 season country you must think I am mad but from where I come from, it is actually pretty normal to NOT wear socks, especially for females.  I am fine with stockings, I just don't like socks.  We don't have winter so most of the time you will catch me with flip flop, sandals, open toes or any other footwear but shoes.

I don't do any form of exercise except one where it requires me to move my lower jaw and upper jaw.  An exercise also known as chewing.  And swallowing.  That's the closest to any form of exercise that I would do, so there's perfectly no reason for me to wear any form of closed toe shoes.

Reason:  I always have trouble with washing socks because I refuse to wash them with any of my other clothing.  I find it disgusting but I will not stand to actually collect an entire basket of socks before I can wash it, so that's the reason why I hate socks.  I don't know how should I wash them.

Second, I used to peel my toe nail when I am under stress.

During assignment days or exam days, I will automatically start peeling my toe nail every time I sit down and have my books opened in front of me.  Of course I know that's even more disgusting that washing socks but it's a quirk, and I can't help it.  Until I tore half of my little toe nail once.

That's a very good lesson to make me stop and I haven't touched any toe nail ever since except for pedicure purposes.

Third, I am a very needy person.  With my blanket.

Be the weather hot or cold, I MUST have my blanket covered up till my neck before I can actually sleep.  Even if I am taking a nap at 2 in the afternoon at a 33°C weather where it makes my sleep so uncomfortably sweaty and sticky.

I can't help it, it's a quirk.

Reason:  I feel insecure without my blanket ;_;  Like I said, I am very needy of my blanket, oh Mr Blanket <3

Fourth, (which I personally think a lot of you have this as well >D), no nail no finger no toe OUTSIDE of the bed frame.  Each inch of my body must be within the bed's perimeter at ALL times.

Yes I know there's no Boogie man or even if there is one, my bed's frame is made of solid wood so I don't think Boogie man can hide underneath it BUT still, I can never, ever sleep safely if any part of my body is over the perimeter of the bed.  It's just, wrong.

"Mish, put your darn finger back into the blanket, RIGHT NOW!" is what my brain would alert me when I put a nail out of the line.

Fifth, I always save the best for the last (in food).

I've gotten this numerous time.

"Why don't you start with the main course instead of the side dishes?"
"Wouldn't the nicest part of your food gets cold and then it won't be nice anymore?"
"Aren't you afraid of anyone eating your favourite food because they though you cannot finish it?"

I just can't.  I simply have to finish my least favourite portion of the meal before I start on my favourite food because it's just so satisfying to eat the best pieces at the very last few mouthful.  It's a feeling of satisfaction.

Well I eat pretty fast, so the food is still pretty warm by the time I finish it :D

No.  They will have to get past me first before they can touch my food.

This are some of the quirks that I have, or at least I realize I have.  Some people don't even realize their own quirks, for e.g.  my mom >D

She has this quirk of staring at people when she's eating.

Well not stare per se, it just appear as though she is staring but according to her, she did it unconsciously and she is simply looking everywhere absent mindedly instead of having her whole face blasted by the steam that is coming from the food and she is simply eating and not thinking of anything but for anyone who is sitting opposite her aka me or her friends, it really does seem like she is staring intently at your face and every time we ask her "yeah? anything?" she will say "no" then it appears as though she is thinking of something about you but she is not telling.  But no, it's just a quirk lol.  If you ever have a meal with my mom, you will know >D

(In all honesty, I think I do that at times as well but because of my micro size eyes, people usually don't realize.  Should I be happy or sad? I can't decide.)

These are just few example of quirks that I have.  I have read somewhere that for some people when they lie, you can tell immediately (but only if you are close to the person to begin with) because they will exhibit certain tell-tale signs such as rubbing their nose or ruffling through their hair, things like that.

So what about you?  Have you given any thought on this?  What's YOUR quirk? Let me know in the comment section below! <3


  1. Hahah I see myself in #4
    and #5 :P I think we all
    have our quirkness c:


  2. Haha cute post! You should do more of these. I'm feeling like I'm getting to know you a tonne better! :)

    Ouch, I felt the pain when I read that you used to peel your toenail ><

    I am the same. I always keep myself within the bed frame. I cannot have my legs hanging out. :P

    1. Hehehe thank goodness I no longer do that. One good lesson is more than enough *shudders*

  3. I kinda dislike socks too, but I run a lot so I must wear them or else I get stinky feet!! However, when i wear boots, I usually don't wear socks with them!

    haha I am a needy person too with one of my stuffed animals! I got her when I was super young and she is always on my bed even when I'm sleeping lol. I know how you feel about your blanket!!
    This was a really cute post!

    1. Hahaha I love my blanket but I have another weird quirk which I didn't mention above. I dislike plushies ._. I don't know why, lol. BAN BAN BAN plushies!

  4. haha I definitely have the 4th one as well!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  5. HA!!! We are identical in most ways - except socks and bedtime. I HAVE to sleep with a limb OUT of the bed... and socks are cozy - in winter time. Plus I'm a runner - if I don't wear socks I get blisters :-(

    Hilarious post - I love get-to-know-you posts!

    ♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

  6. haha!!! quirks!! what a wonderful title of the post!! i also save the best for the last, but my mum keep saying, what if somebody saw the best in your plate and took it away, you probably didn't have any chance to eat it.
    awwh thanks for your lovely comment in my blog!

    1. No, no one's touching my last piece of food! That's the most satisfying part of eating T_T

  7. Hahaha I didn't know about the socks one XD You never told me. I thought you just loved wearing sandals/slippers due to it being a girl thing.

    As for a quirk of mine, hmmm I think you know most of them eh? Though the worst one is that I can never leave a hangnail alone and have to constantly peel them off until I bled. And it doesn't help that my fingers are really dry due to constant washing from handling animals, so hangnails are on each and every one of my fingers. I peel them so badly that sometimes I bleed on my keyboards and I don't even know it :P But then again, maybe this isn't a quirk, but just a bad habit?

    Another one that I've had people point out to me multiple times (especially teachers and lecturers) is that when I'm paying very close attention to whatever the teacher/lecturer/presenter is saying up front, I tend to avoid eye contact and look away, as though I'm intent on something else. It seems to bug them and thus I often get accused for daydreaming and 'being somewhere else'. I feel a little misunderstood for that one though >_> They have no idea that when I'm actually looking directly at them, it's probably because I'm NOT paying attention to them, but paying attention to somewhere/something else entirely lol

    1. Nooo, I dislike socks cause Idk how should I wash them! Duh, know your quirks inside out >D

  8. Me too, I always save the best for the last! Hahaha! Glad to share something in common.

    1. Yeah! I am surprised to see so many people having this quirk! I am not alone! Hahahahhaa

  9. Hahaha I find lots in common . I hate socks , they make me feel uncomfortable . I live in a warm climate area so it is always hard for me to wear them .
    Lol , foodddd. Oh foodie food . I choose the best at first , if not , I save the better for last ;)
    Noor @ Noor's Place

    1. So you are very versatile, that's awesome!

  10. I really liked your blog.What about to follow eachother?If you follow me I would definitely follow you back so let me know

    Loves from

    1. Of course I would love to, thank you! <3

  11. Such a funny post Mishberries! lol, I on the other hand love socks but only when done correctly lol. As to reply to your comment and question: Yes I work in the fashion industry. Bue please don't worry about not knowing names or exact fabric terms, that's the beauty about the industry is that it's both accessible and exclusive to everyone. Thanks for liking the style hun, keep on provoking! X

  12. Wow I read all your post and I found it quite humorous.
    That of leaving the best for last sometimes I do too but not always.
    I really laughed much fun reading your post.


    1. Hahaha thanks, really glad you got a laugh from my post <3 I do try to make you smile! HUEAHUEA

  13. :D Half of your quirks are mine, it's like I'm reading something I wrote!!:D I HAVE TO be covered in summer, winter, in scorching hot sun, cold, always! If I slept in a fire, I'd still have to cover up.:D

    And NOTHING can't be hanging off the bed, stuff might come out from under the bed, dooh!!

    And your fifth one: copy + paste.:)

    As for my mom, she's the complete opposite, she just stares at the plate and ... I don't know, shuts off.:D

    I should make a post about my quirks, this was fun, but people already think I'm weird...:)

    1. Lol you are NOT weird, you are AWESOME! I send your link to one of my friend, he's like "I AM GONNA READ THE ENTIRE ARCHIVE" muaheahueaheaeuhaehuaheuae, not kidding!

  14. awww this is such a cute and funny post!!!! I feel like I know a lot about you just from reading this lol!

  15. Interesting entry! and very amusing :D My bf also saves the best part of the food for the end! I have lots of quirks too... maybe I should write them down too >.<'... your drawing is cool~

    1. Lol my drawing is NOTHING compared to yours but thank you!! <3 Yeah, write down all your little quirks and you will start to think "goodness I have so many! @@"

  16. i love these pics my dear!!

  17. i love these pics my dear!!

  18. Hahahaha....AWESOME post, Mish!!! I think you're amazing, really. I love the way you write and how you express yourself ;D
    I wish I have your talent to write :)
    About your fourth quirk, when the weather is too hot (I hate high temperatures), I love to sleep with my feet out of bed :P
    And about the fifth one, I do the opposite of you, I always eat the best first, because in the meantime the world may end, so I want to enjoy what I like best before it happens hahahaha :D
    I know I have a lot of quirks, but at the moment I can't remember what they are....
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your lovely comment, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but I've been insanely busy, my work, my course, my family and my windsurf, take all my time. I wish the day was 48 hours instead of 24 :P
    My "♥likes" and my "G+" on your latest posts ;)
    Hope you're having a nice day, and have a fabulous week filled with many moments of joy<3<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

    1. Well if it's 48 hours a day, please let it be 40 hours of fun and 8 hours of work T_T Thank you Maria, you always leave the sweetest comment, it's awesome to know you <3

  19. You peel your toenail? o.o
    That must hurt. I peel that little annoying skin from my fingernails haha xD
    Nice post! :)


    1. Hahaha my Godbrother does that! I find that painful actually, weird lol. But nooo I stop doing them now! Hurts too much, once is enough orz

  20. I have so many...don't know where to start!

  21. hello!

    I finally have the time to respond to your comment on my recent situation. First of all thank you so much for the kind words - yes it was exactly what you said, it's this "uncalling attention", that's the right expression, I just didn't know how to put it! So good to know that some people can relate to this feeling and so good to hear that it will pass someday.
    It's getting better slowly, I'm trying really hard to stay positive ;)

    Concerning your post I enjoyed reading it, your style in writing makes me smile :) I can totally relate to the blanket quirk!! It's so annoying in summer but the blanket HAS to cover everything apart from the head.

    1. HAHAHA YES! SO HOT AND SWEATY but can't live without it!! It's always great to find someone who understands what you are saying and for now, it just so happen that I went through that phase, no worries love. You are strong and you will be fine real soon ^^

  22. haha that is a hillarious post! some refreshing quirks there xD i would have to say my quirk is the urge to step on crunchy autumn leaves =D

    1. Oh wow o.o I never had that but that sure is a very interesting quirk!

  23. Cute post girl! Hope you're having a great Monday!!

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    1. Thanks love, I will definitely check it out!

  25. lol thats funny xD i like to peel my toe nails too. its even worse when i was little i like to bite my toe nails lol

    visit my blog ^^

    1. Whoaaa I don't think I was ever born to have a stretchable physique so that would be pretty impossible for me! Hahaa

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  27. Thanks Steven, checking you out!
