1 Minute MS Paint Job
And 5 seconds later, the moment I woke up the first thought that came to me was " I have to wash my hands".
Then just now I was being a part time gardener (again) (You can check out my Instagram for my previous works <3 Name: Mishberries) and today, I decided to be slightly not so creative and decided to reproduce what I saw in Disneysea Japan last year, but in my own style <3
Find the Hidden Mickey!
And le gardener thyself <3
5 eventful seconds later.
You must be asking, what happened? Why are the leaves scrambled? Where's Mishberries?
The answer to 5 seconds later after the first picture of the leaves: (It's a gif, so wait for it to load <3)
Yes, ouch is the right word lol. Mayhem when the two angelic (demon) puppies joined me in my little adventure >D
P/s: Epic gif done by my Godbrother <3<3
I see you guys next round, remember to follow me on my Facebook (by liking the Like button on the right) or my Instagram (Name: Mishberries) <3